They say losing political candidates usually go back to the job they are most qualified for. Here is our buddy Barry doing what he is most qualified for!!!!! Update 10-17-08. As this image continues to draw hundreds of views per day, I invite all to vote in the poll for a more accurate sampling!
This photo has been doctored from a copyright photograph taken by an Australian IN Australia! Shame on the person who did this. Keep your politics within your own country!
Of course it's been doctored and I really don't care where it came from. It's not only funny, but it accurately describes exactly what Obama is qualified to do.
This photo was forwarded to people that subscribe to Rush Limbaugh. To think that he actually thinks anyone should take him seriously. This is racist and absolutely foul.
wrong, wrong, and wrong, but I notice not one of you argued that Obama was qualified to do more than shine shoes. So I ask you, who's the racist? Me who puts up a satirical photoshop for laughs only or you that think it's true???
Fine. If things in the public sector really don't work out for him, Obama can always fall back on his old day job, teaching Constitutional Law at one of the country's most respected (and difficult) law schools.
If you don't see this as racist - you're an idiot.
what's awesome about this picture, is that when most right wingers see it, they don't pick up on any of the racism. it's a modern moron test. it digs up assumptions from the subconscious. show it to a child, and they will just ask "did obama used to shine shoes?"
exactly how did he get into Harvard? what were his LSAT scores in relation to those that didn't get in? if he is from such a poor family, how did he afford to go to private schools inc. Harvard?
If Obama is only qualified to shine Palin's shoes, Palin is only qualified to wipe my @$$. At least Obama knows the names of more than one Supreme Court case, and can actually spell "constitution".
to the person that said Palin is qualified to wipe his/her ass ... im a Certified Nurse Assistant, meaning im licensed to wipe ***es ... [i do it part time, im working on my BS in Nursing full time] anywho .. I AM qualified to wipe ***es, and Sarah Palin doesnt even deserve THAT title ... You see I wipe ***es, yet I CAN name at LEAST 3 newspapers I read on a regular basis, where as she cannot name ONE she read during her entire run as governor ....
You people (the jury is still out on whether repugs are people) really are stupid. Not only is the photo racist, but it is also racist to even suggest that SP is somehow more qualified than Obama. I ask you: If Obama couldn't name a single Supreme Court case, couldn't name a single source of news he reads, had a pregnant teenage daughter, and could not put together a single coherent thought about the state of our Nation, what would white America say about him? Here's a hint, they sure as hell wouldn't call him qualified to be Vice President. Go here for the truth,
Anon 1:06, why is anyone racist???? Obama is half white. Oh, I fogot, the media won't talk about that. There are sooo many problems with all the anon posts. Where to begin?? So are you all saying you have to be black to shine shoes??? I use to make a couple bucks shining shoes and I'm white. Oh, and I also use to do lawn care. Are you going to say all lawn care people are hispanic???? You ass whipe liberals are so burried in your double standards you don't even see it. "We love women!!! Yay Hillary!!!!" "Oh, Sarah is a Republican". "We don't love "those" women". As for Obama's teaching with his great degree, care to post his college entrance scores?????? Right, you can't find them. Oh, and one more thing to all you morons using the argument that Sarah is not qualified to hold this public office: Um, I remember a woman who was NEVER elected to a public office (Sarah was elected to 2) and I remember a woman who was a carpetbagger and moved to New York so she'd have a job. I rememeber this woman and her husband (who was about to lose his job) got a SUBPRIME loan for an estate in New York. So, this unqualified woman was embraced by all of you liberals as your next savior. Hillary Clinton NEVER had her experience questioned. And don't even go with the abuse of power question with Sarah. I don't remember her mysteriously having so many "friends" and "business partners" commit suicide or die. I would love to just sit across the table from idiots like you and go point by point with all of these things and see what you have to say.
Obama calls women reports "sweety" and that's cute. Keep having double standards. I guess there's no hope for some people. Brain cells don't regenerate so it's as good as it's going to get for some of you.
I am going to post this picture at dailykos and do my best to make it viral. This is the best "October Surprise" the Republican Party could hand Obama right now. I am crossing my fingers that this will be on Google news within days, and it would be even better if it is traced back to Rush Limbaugh.
I can't imagine anything better for Obama than showing America what Republican voters think is funny. Thanks for making my dream of a landslide come true!!!
This will be even more excellent after tonight, when Sarah Palin rambles for two hours about nonsense. LMFAO!!!!!
To all the anonymous loonies, If I had written that shining shoes was all that blacks (or for that matter, any ethnic group)are qualified for, that would be racist. I wrote that shining Palin's shoes was what Obomba was most qualified to do. Do you see the difference?
You simpletons must really love all the pics I have of the Abomination on here!
I try to never censor your comments and do appreciate them. I would appreciate it if you whackos would extend the same courtesy to me. Love, Zen
Congratulations on your troll blog! You're about to become an internet sensation. You've done a great service to the party. The Democratic party, that is.
Wow, you are a sad excuse for a human being-- republican or democrat- this is sick. I pity your children and I hope they arent as shallow and pathetic as you are. You think its funny but there are more people enslaved today than ever in the history of humanity.. Your "joke" is a slap in the face to everyone who suffers.
This type of "sense of humor" should have died along with the likes of Strom Thurmond. But unfortunately, we now have proof that Strom Thurmond's younger water carriers in the GOP have discovered Photoshop, and aren't afraid to use it. So, cheers to you for helping the Democratic Party expose what it truly means to be a Republican! I can promise you that I will do my part to make sure that the multitudes see your handiwork. You must be so proud.
Well, I'm Black, and I'm not offended. I also understand that a lot of people are very angry, and afraid that a person of color will soon be president, and that anger and fear often expresses itself as snickering, and cruelty. Just a note: all Black success is not a result of Affirmative Action (I know mine wasn't), nor is an editorial placement on The Harvard Law Review. I wish you Love and Understanding in your life. Find Peace
A. Rose, thank you. You are absolutely right about Affirm. Action. Unfortunately, your response is one of the few rational and reasonable responses that I am likely to get. Of course you must know that some of these "people" will write nasty things about your comment. For that, I am sorry.
Ok, I have to say something. To the person in that picture shining shoes who's face was pasted over, I would like to say I'm very sorry that all of these annonymous assheads are ridiculing you as a shoe shine man. For some reason all of these people feel your profession is humiliating and degrading. Sir, if I knew who you were, I would offer you a job so these people would stop making fun of you. I wonder what would happen if there was a picture of Obama cutting her hair or serving her a beer at a bar or serving her dinner at an eatery. Would all these professions be rediculed?? I have to appologize to the service industry employees out there. All of these anons feel your professions are only filled by minorities and are equating you earning a paycheck to slavery. Nice guys. THIS PICTURE IS NOT ABOUT RACE!!!!!!! NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU TRY TO TURN IT INTO THAT!!!!!!! If it was a picture of her WHIPPING him then I'd say YES, THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!!!! Not being fit to "shine her shoes", "tie her shoes", "carry her laundry", these are all phrases acceptable that have NOTHING to do with race!!!!!!! As for the person who feels a the picture insults Jesus. I'll go head to head with your Christianity any day brother. When Jesus was washing feet would you have compared that image to a "lynching"? Was he demeaning himself??? Did he say "hey sweety, come over here?" Please, "Mr. Christianity", don't ever compare this man to Jesus. You're the one who should be ashamed.
Hey Zen, I strongly believe that all expression is a reflection of the inner circumstance. So when people say nasty things, they reveal themselves, not me, so I'm not worried :-) Take Care Friend.
If you have as many degrees as Senator Obama has, then you might be able to "joke" about his qualifications. However, that doesn't mean that your "joke" is funny. If you don't have as many degrees as the Senator, then logically you must not even be qualified to to the jobs he does. I feel sorry for you, and hope that someday you'll learn what the universe has to teach you.
Lavender,on what passes for your blog you call Sara Palin, Sara Six Pack. Implying the same old leftie white trash label to her. You and your loony left friends are so damn duplicitous it's incredible. You call any Rep. candidate any name you see fit and it's ok. The difference between you moonbats and me is that I actually laugh at some of those names. As a matter of fact my favorite this week from your side is Chimpy McFlightsuit.
This is disgusting. And the 'oh! It's not racist' is complete and utter bullshit. And how is Obama inexperienced compared to Sarah "can't even fucking think of a single fucking newspaper/supreme court case" Palin? Oh, and whoever the dumbass is who asked how Obama could go to Harvard if he was so poor? HARVARD'S FUCKING FREE IF YOU MAKE UNDER $100,000 A YEAR. Check where that idiot Palin went to school. Eat shit and die, you ignorant assholes.
anon 2:15, by all means, show it to both of your friends. They will laugh and you will feel like a bigger doucheswiller than you are.
anon 3:06, as for Obambi's experience, please see post titled For All The Nuts That hate...... It explains it in simple enough language that even a foul mouthed chancre like you can understand it.
Whatever the intent of this was, I hope you realize how MSM will eat this up. This is already on several blogs & have done John McCain no service here.
The photograph absolutely reeks with the foul stench of centuries of deeply entrenched, institutionalized racism. Take a bow.
Barack Obama is a United States Senator with a law degree from Harvard. I would say that he's significantly more qualified to run for President than he is to shine shoes.
anon 4:52, Of course Barry is qualified to do more than shine shoes. He is in fact a very intelligent man. I just think that 143 days of experience is an underwhelming amount to qualify him to be commander in chief.
JDP, You're welcome. Of course that was not my intent. I never mentioned the entire black racist, I only stated that he was most qualified to shine Palin's shoes. Critical Thinking, ever heard of it? You are well written and sound rational. Most of my friends on the left fall into the same group. Thanks for your comment.
This is the best gift McCain supporters could ever hand to Obama. Let me take this opportunity to thank you, and to let you know that I have attached it to one of the viral emails I received and sent it to everyone on the list, I doubt this will be appreciated.
That said, I think that the racism argument can be pushed aside in favor of the argument that it is typical of the Republican party to ridicule people who have to shine shoes for people to earn enough money to survive. To imply that shining Sara Palin's shoes for a living is an unworthy and laughable pursuit is exactly why Republicans will be unemployed soon.
During this time of economic crisis, people like shoeshiners will lose their income as wealthy corporate Americans cut down on those types of luxuries. Where does a shoeshiner go for another career? Not to the Republican Party because as this blog proudly declares "NOT EVERYONE CAN BE ON WELFARE"
I am anticipating with tremendous glee two things: the complete disparagement of this on Countdown with Keith Olbermann; and the rabid defense and rationalization of it on Hannity & Colmes.
Thanks again for the Obama victory, you can be proud to tell your children and grandchildren you did your part to get the first black president elected. Tell that to everyone who calls you racist!
I have been looking on the internet all day, and I cannot find where Sarah Palin has posted her college admission test scores. Does anyone have that link?
I DID find however that John McCain was 5th from the bottom of his class and was admitted to the academy as a double legacy (that sounds suspicously like affirmative action to me; at the very least it is being admitted for something besides merit alone). I was unaware of that until I started my research to thanks.
A comment here made reference to Obama's LSAT scores. Again, I can't find where McCain or Palin took the LSAT so I was wondering if anyone had those links too. I am trying to become more informed voter with all these accusations out there. I am still looking into it, but I thought that Sarah Palin had a communications degree from a college in Idaho, I didn't know she attended law school. I guess this is just another example of liberal media bias.
Small minds think small-minded things are 'funny'. Soon the wingnutopians will be a minor footnote in history books.
When they have nothing important to say, they say nothing important. Lies and smears is all they have.
Its unfortunate that people like this couldn't lift themselves up far enough to have viable, intelligent political discourse. They are, much to their own private chagrin, what is WRONG with America. The hate they show for their own countrymen is harbored hate for their own country.
The only question I would ask of the creator of this image is; Why do you hate America?
Not quite sure what is the saddest element here... the fact that you're defending yourself by saying this isn't racist, the fact that it's been taken as racist or the fact you're too stupid to realize how it would be seen by many as racist.
I used to vote Republican, I'm ashamed of what the GOP stands for (I was one of those idiots who voted for the current Shrub sadly enough), and this picture represents that in it's best terms: Lie. Do one thing but say it's another. You fit the GOP label well, wear it as well as you've fit it.
Every person's perception is their reality, and you played on it well. No matter how you say it wasn't intended as racist, you've just been labeled as one, no matter your intent. Joke or not, it's out there now, and millions will see it and view you, the creator, as another GOP racist twit. I would like to say good luck to you, but I simply can't.
geez, where to start........ anon 5:32, I truly do appreciate your comment and e mail efforts. Thank you.
It is not the Republican Party that ridicules anybody. It is the far left that fosters class warfare.
You are right, people like shoeshiners (which you seem to think are troglodites) will lose income because the people that could afford that luxury will have to cut back. Ever heard of trickle down economics? You just proved the point.
As for those media whores you mentioned, I hope they give me proper credit.
Zen 5:05 - This executive "experience" argument has many flaws... but I'll give you just one.... George W Bush. Before coming into office, he was one of the most "experienced" candidates we've had in awhile. Yep - that's worked out REALLY well for us.
Studies have shown that executive experience have ZERO correlation to our best presidents. What seems to count most is intelligence and judgment.
Your 4th-from-the-bottom-of-his-class candidate and sportscaster-hockey-mom candidates come up pretty short in those qualities.
okay, got to group a few together. anon 5:39, I have looked on the internet for months and cannot find Obingo's LSAT scores. What is your point?
Yep, McCain did not graduate at the top of his class. Very true. By the same token, have you moved out of your parents basement yet?
Someone made reference that Obama only got into Harvard based on Affirm. Action. I don't see anyone quoting McCain or Palin's LSAT scores. Are you retarded?
to anon 6:11, Yes it could if I were a racist.
to 2501, The unions in Pa have bought every dem that runs for office. You sure you want to point that out? Hell, The NEA owns Obama.
to anon 6:48, Much like you thought your first line was funny?
You mean like the Ogonner campaigns truth squads?
Contrary to your last paragraph, people like me are what is right with America(no pun intended). I grew up as poor as one can and survive. The only hate I have is for those that contribute nothing to society. People like you blame everything on everyone else rather than the root cause.
Hate America??????? You leftist handjobs are the ones condemning and apologizing for America at every turn!!!!! Who hates America?
anon 7:18, at last a rational arguement from the left. Partially, you are correct. The fact is, I am sick of having to choose the lesser of two evils in a pres. election.
Obama has taught law, been in the illinois senate for six years, been a US senator for 2 or more. The most palin has to deal with is shooing the moose off the porch. I used to live in Alaska, I know how little the governor has to do there. Wasilla is a little strip mall on the side of the road. Only in your Racist Cracker ass mind does she have what it takes.
One other thing. Win or lose, Obama goes down in in history, while your little cracker ass gets forgotten. Probably burns your Racists ass doesn't it?
After Nov. 4 Sarah Palin will be shinin' Obama's shoes don't cha know. And darn it, golly gee, let's give a shout out to all the racists who'll be cryin' in their joesixpack beer on Nov. 5.
The picture in itself was funny enough, but watching the libtards have a total fit over it is funnier still! I want to thank all you thin-skinned, overly sensitive, girlie-men PC libtards for being such a continuing source of amusement.
You cons are really pathetic. You think that that barely literate, perpetually pregnant, ignorant air-head from Alaska is fit to be VP? Your tarring of Senator Obama is just stupid. You morons wingnuts think that an anti-science, fundamentalist, creationist whack job who is barely coherent is qualified and then try to turn it around on US and say our candidate is the unqualified one.
Hey Tina Fey thanks you-she doesn't even have to write her own lines anymore. That incoherent ignoramus (she fails even in English-never mind economics or foreign policy) you put up for vp does all of Fey's work for her.
"Health care reform shores up the economy with the bailout package before Putin rears his head over Alaska". Conservatives are stupid, stupid people and your ticket usually represents you people very well. Bush, now people are so fucking stupid and ignorant.
Come January, you will be living in a country with a Democratic president, and a Democratic Senate and House. Your new supreme court judges will be more liberal.
The country is waking up, and you and your kind are on the way out. Your beloved 'W' has a 20% approval rating.
But don't worry, we won't take your guns, you may need it to end your miserable existence some day.
Do any one of the following: *Load weapon of choice and blow your head off. *Open window at least 5 stories high and throw yourself out of window. *Gather together huge quantities of legal or illegal drugs and take them all at once (wash down with a fifth of lye). *Fill gasoline can at nearby station, pour over yourself and then light a match. We'd love nothing more than to dance on your grave but that won't be possible if you don't do your part (see above). Instead, we'll dance on your party's grave on November 4th and then have a huge celebration on January 20, 2009. YOU'RE GOING DOWN!!!! : )
The racist of America aren't the white people, blacks are way more racist than whites ever were, look at the comments above. I guess you had rather Sarah be on her knees in front of Obama then you could have a good laugh like I did.
No matter how you jerks try to spin this, it is very racist- and wrong. You do know that Obama graduated form Harvard at the top of his class, right? Boy am I looking forward to Nov. 4th!!!!
The only reason I did a search for this awful picture is because I overheard a loud a-hole describing it to his friends who looked uncomfortable. It was as tasteless as I imagined.
anon 9:42 and 9:45, Did you look at the other pix I have posted?? I bet you loved them!!!
I do know that Obama graduated from Harvard. As for top of his class? He will not release his transcripts. How the hell would anybody know where in his class he ranked????
In Bend, Oregon the local head of the Republican Party office admitted that his staffers are wearing t-shirts with this image on it.
Also in Bend, Oregon (clearly a place with some issues), local ABC affiliate KOHD reported that Obama supporters are receiving this image in their mail (snail, not e-).
So yes, it's going viral, but not by Obama supporters, but by ignorant hicks.
I agree that if you are a conservative; color, doesnt even come into the picture. You liberals better get past the days of slavery---lets look at the man and not his color. He may be qualified for more than shining shoes, but what--how about a UN ambassator.
What's with the arguments about Obama's qualifications? Isn't it a bit late for that? In 2012, Obama will have been president for four years, and Sarah Palin will have been a civilian for three years after quitting halfway through her governorship. Obama will have pursued sweeping legislation, gotten our economy out of the ditch the last Republican drove it into, and led America through wars on various fronts. Sarah Palin will be fresh off of a book tour and eternally sparring with her juvenile grandson's father. There's absolutely no comparison.
sick joke,iam not amused.palin might think that this isn't doctored,she's a simple minded wassila girl,shame on you old man,you are sick old guy,who in the first place a jealous racist. the guy who made this sick joke is a 73 years old envious sick palin family.. SICKO,no happy new year to you.
Uh right, you folks don't see anything racist about it. Let's see, a stereotypical shoeshine boy racist image inferring that Obama is only qualified to be a shoeshine boy to (of all people) Sarah Palin, is not racist? One of your idiots even tried to compare it to non-stereotypical jobs for African Americans like being a bar tender, claiming people were making fun of his profession. OMG, how stupid are you people? Either you're stupid, or you're liars, or both, but nobody can look at that photo and not know that its meant to deliver a racist stereotype. How disgusting, a decade into the 21st century, that this is as far as your minds have progressed.
I don't know who photoshopped this image but one person who circulated it -- with the caption "It appears he has found his niche" -- is a <a href=">registered Democrat</a>.
I don't know who photoshopped this image but one person who circulated it -- with the caption "It appears he has found his niche" -- is a registered Democrat.
a "joke" ignites all the liberal "racist" fires...but (and lets recount your praise) Obama is a Harvard graduate,a Constitution Law Professor, and a state senator who comes from a wealthy family~yet its okay for you to play-up the brutha's streak of black to entice the black vote as if they have finally "overcome"?? You jackasses made your Uncle Barack...maybe you should learn to sleep with the ridiculousness of your own racism!
why is it I can't remember anyone crying racist, or whatever, when smearing doctored shots of palin were all over the place last year ? not to mention the disgusting stuff gw bush and cheney were transmogrified into...
What a pity! To my thinking, the problem is not the doctored picture but the fact that American liberty is grossly misused. How on earth can a reasonable( sensible, normal, levelheaded, sound) person come up with such a picture of his/her president? And I ask if he/she and all those who approve of it have conscience. I did want to say also that its not a matter of race but it is an insult on ALL Americans becuase Americas (whites and blacks) gave the president their votes to become their president. There should be better things to hear and read about America than all what we are getting. I remember the days of Jimy carter and your for fathers who said "in God we trust". Could that be true now with all the mess in the Anglican communion, and the like. The American press and in fact the school system/curriculum has failed to be educative. An average American DOES NOT KNOW ANY THING out side his/her state. Hence, a presidential candidate for that matter did not know the neigbouring countries nor the continents. We are praying for you.
To those insisting that President Obama's highest qualification is shoe shining: you are stupid. Love him, hate him- whatever. Just stop talking. He has a J.D. from Harvard Law, and if you don't know what that is, then your opinion is more or less worthless.
I am the photographer who took the original capture. The photograph presented here is an unauthorized plagiarism. I resent anyone using my copyrighted photographs without my consent in the first place and even more so bringing an undeserved infamy to my name by altering them and using with ill intend. I am an Australian photographer and American politics are as far away from my mind as are our countries. Is this racism? I am not sure, but it is THEFT and DEFAMATION for sure.
hi guys ... I was very pleased to read the information in this article ... was of great interest and would love to get a lot more information about Obama Gives a Mean Shoe Shine
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That is aswell why louis vuitton accoutrements adore top report. One more, because for LV bags, anniversary of them is fabricated by hand, accordingly it banned the assembly speed. That is why the vendors will absolute their barter purchasing.
Fine. If things in the public sector really don't work out for him, Obama can always fall back on his old day job, teaching Constitutional Law at one of the country's most respected (and difficult) law schools.
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This talk about politics is so useless. In the end nobody knows what is going on behind closed doors. They are promises made that are not taking place in the end. Politic is a dirty business.
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This photo has been doctored from a copyright photograph taken by an Australian IN Australia! Shame on the person who did this. Keep your politics within your own country!
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Of course it's been doctored and I really don't care where it came from. It's not only funny, but it accurately describes exactly what Obama is qualified to do.
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it looks like hes looking up her
when did obomba get kanjo's hunchback?
This photo has been doctored from a copyright photograph taken by an Australian IN Australia! Shame on the person who did this. Keep your politics within your own country!
Of course it's been doctored and I really don't care where it came from. It's not only funny, but it accurately describes exactly what Obama is qualified to do.
You're a racist piece of shit, you know that, right?
Oh, and enjoy losing the election. It's gonna be funny watching you assholes jump off buildings.
This photo was forwarded to people that subscribe to Rush Limbaugh. To think that he actually thinks anyone should take him seriously. This is racist and absolutely foul.
This is incredibly racist. Google "shoeshine boy racist". It's a widely used symbol of white supremacy. It's not funny it's disgusting.
wrong, wrong, and wrong, but I notice not one of you argued that Obama was qualified to do more than shine shoes. So I ask you, who's the racist? Me who puts up a satirical photoshop for laughs only or you that think it's true???
Fine. If things in the public sector really don't work out for him, Obama can always fall back on his old day job, teaching Constitutional Law at one of the country's most respected (and difficult) law schools.
If you don't see this as racist - you're an idiot.
holy crap, how can someone be racist against obama? he's whiter than bill clinton.
what's awesome about this picture, is that when most right wingers see it, they don't pick up on any of the racism. it's a modern moron test. it digs up assumptions from the subconscious. show it to a child, and they will just ask "did obama used to shine shoes?"
Republican: not everyone can be smart
riiiight because alllll harvard law graduates shine shoes .... that makes total sense ....
exactly how did he get into Harvard? what were his LSAT scores in relation to those that didn't get in? if he is from such a poor family, how did he afford to go to private schools inc. Harvard?
anon 10:54 is obviously questioning if Affirmative Action was involved.
I have never said that Obama is stupid. In fact, the opposite is true. He still isn't qualified to be Pres.
If Obama is only qualified to shine Palin's shoes, Palin is only qualified to wipe my @$$. At least Obama knows the names of more than one Supreme Court case, and can actually spell "constitution".
I guess racism has a home online ( and a political party).
to the person that said Palin is qualified to wipe his/her ass ... im a Certified Nurse Assistant, meaning im licensed to wipe ***es ... [i do it part time, im working on my BS in Nursing full time] anywho .. I AM qualified to wipe ***es, and Sarah Palin doesnt even deserve THAT title ... You see I wipe ***es, yet I CAN name at LEAST 3 newspapers I read on a regular basis, where as she cannot name ONE she read during her entire run as governor ....
Hey Zen--
Can't wait for Obama to win the election (and dominate in your home state). We'll see who's shining who's shoes, you racist asshole.
You people (the jury is still out on whether repugs are people) really are stupid. Not only is the photo racist, but it is also racist to even suggest that SP is somehow more qualified than Obama. I ask you: If Obama couldn't name a single Supreme Court case, couldn't name a single source of news he reads, had a pregnant teenage daughter, and could not put together a single coherent thought about the state of our Nation, what would white America say about him? Here's a hint, they sure as hell wouldn't call him qualified to be Vice President. Go here for the truth,
Anon 1:06, why is anyone racist???? Obama is half white. Oh, I fogot, the media won't talk about that.
There are sooo many problems with all the anon posts. Where to begin??
So are you all saying you have to be black to shine shoes??? I use to make a couple bucks shining shoes and I'm white. Oh, and I also use to do lawn care. Are you going to say all lawn care people are hispanic???? You ass whipe liberals are so burried in your double standards you don't even see it.
"We love women!!! Yay Hillary!!!!" "Oh, Sarah is a Republican". "We don't love "those" women".
As for Obama's teaching with his great degree, care to post his college entrance scores?????? Right, you can't find them.
Oh, and one more thing to all you morons using the argument that Sarah is not qualified to hold this public office:
Um, I remember a woman who was NEVER elected to a public office (Sarah was elected to 2) and I remember a woman who was a carpetbagger and moved to New York so she'd have a job. I rememeber this woman and her husband (who was about to lose his job) got a SUBPRIME loan for an estate in New York. So, this unqualified woman was embraced by all of you liberals as your next savior. Hillary Clinton NEVER had her experience questioned. And don't even go with the abuse of power question with Sarah. I don't remember her mysteriously having so many "friends" and "business partners" commit suicide or die.
I would love to just sit across the table from idiots like you and go point by point with all of these things and see what you have to say.
Obama calls women reports "sweety" and that's cute. Keep having double standards. I guess there's no hope for some people. Brain cells don't regenerate so it's as good as it's going to get for some of you.
I am going to post this picture at dailykos and do my best to make it viral. This is the best "October Surprise" the Republican Party could hand Obama right now. I am crossing my fingers that this will be on Google news within days, and it would be even better if it is traced back to Rush Limbaugh.
I can't imagine anything better for Obama than showing America what Republican voters think is funny. Thanks for making my dream of a landslide come true!!!
This will be even more excellent after tonight, when Sarah Palin rambles for two hours about nonsense. LMFAO!!!!!
Anyone who thinks the photo is 'funny' is wrong.
It is horrible. No funnier than viewing a lynching picture.
Every person who finds humor in the picture has a serious mental problem.
Hopefully-not one of you how find it 'funny' bother to call yourself a Christian. If so, you've insulted Jesus.
Wow! You're an incredibly racist asshole!
To all the anonymous loonies,
If I had written that shining shoes was all that blacks (or for that matter, any ethnic group)are qualified for, that would be racist. I wrote that shining Palin's shoes was what Obomba was most qualified to do. Do you see the difference?
You simpletons must really love all the pics I have of the Abomination on here!
I try to never censor your comments and do appreciate them. I would appreciate it if you whackos would extend the same courtesy to me.
ps: a sense of humor, get one!
Congratulations on your troll blog! You're about to become an internet sensation. You've done a great service to the party. The Democratic party, that is.
Wow, you are a sad excuse for a human being-- republican or democrat- this is sick. I pity your children and I hope they arent as shallow and pathetic as you are. You think its funny but there are more people enslaved today than ever in the history of humanity.. Your "joke" is a slap in the face to everyone who suffers.
I looked at the pic and could not figure out what was so humorous about it. Simply pathetic.
You're welcome Sir,
Cheers to the attention that you were seeking.
This is what's wrong with OUR country. I didn't serve with men of color to see people like you humiliate them.
Old Red
This type of "sense of humor" should have died along with the likes of Strom Thurmond. But unfortunately, we now have proof that Strom Thurmond's younger water carriers in the GOP have discovered Photoshop, and aren't afraid to use it. So, cheers to you for helping the Democratic Party expose what it truly means to be a Republican! I can promise you that I will do my part to make sure that the multitudes see your handiwork. You must be so proud.
I'm Black, and I'm not offended. I also understand that a lot of people are very angry, and afraid that a person of color will soon be president, and that anger and fear often expresses itself as snickering, and cruelty.
Just a note: all Black success is not a result of Affirmative Action (I know mine wasn't), nor is an editorial placement on The Harvard Law Review.
I wish you Love and Understanding in your life.
Find Peace
A. Rose, thank you. You are absolutely right about Affirm. Action. Unfortunately, your response is one of the few rational and reasonable responses that I am likely to get. Of course you must know that some of these "people" will write nasty things about your comment. For that, I am sorry.
Ok, I have to say something. To the person in that picture shining shoes who's face was pasted over, I would like to say I'm very sorry that all of these annonymous assheads are ridiculing you as a shoe shine man.
For some reason all of these people feel your profession is humiliating and degrading. Sir, if I knew who you were, I would offer you a job so these people would stop making fun of you.
I wonder what would happen if there was a picture of Obama cutting her hair or serving her a beer at a bar or serving her dinner at an eatery. Would all these professions be rediculed??
I have to appologize to the service industry employees out there. All of these anons feel your professions are only filled by minorities and are equating you earning a paycheck to slavery. Nice guys.
If it was a picture of her WHIPPING him then I'd say YES, THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!!!!
Not being fit to "shine her shoes", "tie her shoes", "carry her laundry", these are all phrases acceptable that have NOTHING to do with race!!!!!!!
As for the person who feels a the picture insults Jesus. I'll go head to head with your Christianity any day brother. When Jesus was washing feet would you have compared that image to a "lynching"? Was he demeaning himself??? Did he say "hey sweety, come over here?" Please, "Mr. Christianity", don't ever compare this man to Jesus. You're the one who should be ashamed.
Hey Zen,
I strongly believe that all expression is a reflection of the inner circumstance. So when people say nasty things, they reveal themselves, not me, so I'm not worried :-)
Take Care Friend.
If you have as many degrees as Senator Obama has, then you might be able to "joke" about his qualifications. However, that doesn't mean that your "joke" is funny. If you don't have as many degrees as the Senator, then logically you must not even be qualified to to the jobs he does. I feel sorry for you, and hope that someday you'll learn what the universe has to teach you.
A. Rose, you as well. Go with God.
Lavender,on what passes for your blog you call Sara Palin, Sara Six Pack. Implying the same old leftie white trash label to her. You and your loony left friends are so damn duplicitous it's incredible. You call any Rep. candidate any name you see fit and it's ok. The difference between you moonbats and me is that I actually laugh at some of those names. As a matter of fact my favorite this week from your side is Chimpy McFlightsuit.
lav, you must've loved this post:
was it racist????? I hope not, it's Dave Chapelle.
This is disgusting. And the 'oh! It's not racist' is complete and utter bullshit. And how is Obama inexperienced compared to Sarah "can't even fucking think of a single fucking newspaper/supreme court case" Palin? Oh, and whoever the dumbass is who asked how Obama could go to Harvard if he was so poor? HARVARD'S FUCKING FREE IF YOU MAKE UNDER $100,000 A YEAR. Check where that idiot Palin went to school. Eat shit and die, you ignorant assholes.
anon 2:15, by all means, show it to both of your friends. They will laugh and you will feel like a bigger doucheswiller than you are.
anon 3:06, as for Obambi's experience, please see post titled For All The Nuts That hate......
It explains it in simple enough language that even a foul mouthed chancre like you can understand it.
I hope everybody that see your racist bullshit has everybody in there address book come here and tell how big an ass you are.
fucking disgusting you racist little turd
watch your hit counter go postal - $10 says you'll rue the day you ever posted this
Take care Friend, Go With God
Whatever the intent of this was, I hope you realize how MSM will eat this up. This is already on several blogs & have done John McCain no service here.
anon 4:27, Can any of you wide valve douchenozzles make a point without the foul language?
Do I have to loan you the $10 to pay up when you lose?
Thanks, you too.
The photograph absolutely reeks with the foul stench of centuries of deeply entrenched, institutionalized racism. Take a bow.
Barack Obama is a United States Senator with a law degree from Harvard. I would say that he's significantly more qualified to run for President than he is to shine shoes.
Thanks so much for helping my guy Obama go still higher in the polls. Your racist crap will not even appeal to most of your base.
Unlike some others. I don't think that every person on the right is a knuckle dragging, racist' Many will be as outraged as us leftie pinko's.
anon 4:52, Of course Barry is qualified to do more than shine shoes. He is in fact a very intelligent man. I just think that 143 days of experience is an underwhelming amount to qualify him to be commander in chief.
JDP, You're welcome. Of course that was not my intent. I never mentioned the entire black racist, I only stated that he was most qualified to shine Palin's shoes. Critical Thinking, ever heard of it?
You are well written and sound rational. Most of my friends on the left fall into the same group.
Thanks for your comment.
This is the best gift McCain supporters could ever hand to Obama. Let me take this opportunity to thank you, and to let you know that I have attached it to one of the viral emails I received and sent it to everyone on the list, I doubt this will be appreciated.
That said, I think that the racism argument can be pushed aside in favor of the argument that it is typical of the Republican party to ridicule people who have to shine shoes for people to earn enough money to survive. To imply that shining Sara Palin's shoes for a living is an unworthy and laughable pursuit is exactly why Republicans will be unemployed soon.
During this time of economic crisis, people like shoeshiners will lose their income as wealthy corporate Americans cut down on those types of luxuries. Where does a shoeshiner go for another career? Not to the Republican Party because as this blog proudly declares "NOT EVERYONE CAN BE ON WELFARE"
I am anticipating with tremendous glee two things: the complete disparagement of this on Countdown with Keith Olbermann; and the rabid defense and rationalization of it on Hannity & Colmes.
Thanks again for the Obama victory, you can be proud to tell your children and grandchildren you did your part to get the first black president elected. Tell that to everyone who calls you racist!
I have been looking on the internet all day, and I cannot find where Sarah Palin has posted her college admission test scores. Does anyone have that link?
I DID find however that John McCain was 5th from the bottom of his class and was admitted to the academy as a double legacy (that sounds suspicously like affirmative action to me; at the very least it is being admitted for something besides merit alone). I was unaware of that until I started my research to thanks.
A comment here made reference to Obama's LSAT scores. Again, I can't find where McCain or Palin took the LSAT so I was wondering if anyone had those links too. I am trying to become more informed voter with all these accusations out there. I am still looking into it, but I thought that Sarah Palin had a communications degree from a college in Idaho, I didn't know she attended law school. I guess this is just another example of liberal media bias.
This is disgusting. Could you be more overtly racist?
I see you live in Pennsylvania. You should watch this speech by the head of United Steelworkers:
Small minds think small-minded things are 'funny'. Soon the wingnutopians will be a minor footnote in history books.
When they have nothing important to say, they say nothing important. Lies and smears is all they have.
Its unfortunate that people like this couldn't lift themselves up far enough to have viable, intelligent political discourse. They are, much to their own private chagrin, what is WRONG with America. The hate they show for their own countrymen is harbored hate for their own country.
The only question I would ask of the creator of this image is; Why do you hate America?
Not quite sure what is the saddest element here... the fact that you're defending yourself by saying this isn't racist, the fact that it's been taken as racist or the fact you're too stupid to realize how it would be seen by many as racist.
I used to vote Republican, I'm ashamed of what the GOP stands for (I was one of those idiots who voted for the current Shrub sadly enough), and this picture represents that in it's best terms: Lie. Do one thing but say it's another. You fit the GOP label well, wear it as well as you've fit it.
Every person's perception is their reality, and you played on it well. No matter how you say it wasn't intended as racist, you've just been labeled as one, no matter your intent. Joke or not, it's out there now, and millions will see it and view you, the creator, as another GOP racist twit. I would like to say good luck to you, but I simply can't.
Wow - one of the most racist things I've seen this campaign... and we've seen a lot so far.
If you really don't GET why this is racist, run the google thru your "tubes".
geez, where to start........
anon 5:32, I truly do appreciate your comment and e mail efforts. Thank you.
It is not the Republican Party that ridicules anybody. It is the far left that fosters class warfare.
You are right, people like shoeshiners (which you seem to think are troglodites) will lose income because the people that could afford that luxury will have to cut back. Ever heard of trickle down economics? You just proved the point.
As for those media whores you mentioned, I hope they give me proper credit.
You are welcome!
Zen 5:05 - This executive "experience" argument has many flaws... but I'll give you just one.... George W Bush. Before coming into office, he was one of the most "experienced" candidates we've had in awhile. Yep - that's worked out REALLY well for us.
Studies have shown that executive experience have ZERO correlation to our best presidents. What seems to count most is intelligence and judgment.
Your 4th-from-the-bottom-of-his-class candidate and sportscaster-hockey-mom candidates come up pretty short in those qualities.
okay, got to group a few together.
anon 5:39, I have looked on the internet for months and cannot find Obingo's LSAT scores. What is your point?
Yep, McCain did not graduate at the top of his class. Very true. By the same token, have you moved out of your parents basement yet?
Someone made reference that Obama only got into Harvard based on Affirm. Action. I don't see anyone quoting McCain or Palin's LSAT scores. Are you retarded?
to anon 6:11, Yes it could if I were a racist.
to 2501, The unions in Pa have bought every dem that runs for office. You sure you want to point that out? Hell, The NEA owns Obama.
to anon 6:48, Much like you thought your first line was funny?
You mean like the Ogonner campaigns truth squads?
Contrary to your last paragraph, people like me are what is right with America(no pun intended). I grew up as poor as one can and survive. The only hate I have is for those that contribute nothing to society. People like you blame everything on everyone else rather than the root cause.
Hate America??????? You leftist handjobs are the ones condemning and apologizing for America at every turn!!!!! Who hates America?
anon 7:18, at last a rational arguement from the left. Partially, you are correct. The fact is, I am sick of having to choose the lesser of two evils in a pres. election.
TTFN, am going to watch the Veep debate.
I cannot wait for your anon comments tomorrow.
Hugs and Kisses,
General McLellan? What an idiot. You betcha!
Would love to see a picture with a bunch of "brothas" running a train on Palin. You bectha!
anon 10:51, Typical, classy, liberal. And it's you betcha, moron.
Why is it funny to post a picture of a colored guy with a shine box?
I am not racist, the burning cross and white hoods are to remind Obama of our faith and that he is not white.
Zen, good work on the Photoshop though. You could have made Palin show a little more leg. You betcha!
Zen, you magnificent bastard !
Who hates America? Say it with me people: The Democrats hate Amerikkka. Not to mention women and our military.
We can provide specific examples if anyone needs help finding this information.
Zen, if anything political correctness has shown us that you can't be critical of a liberal Black guy without being called a racist.
I personally think Barry NoBama isn't even good enough to shine Palin's shoes.
I applaud you political incorrectness. We should make a flash game where the head is interchangeable with Jessahh Jackson and Al Sharpton.
So where is the pic of what Palin is most qualified for? The one where she's on all fours with Rove in her kisser and Cheney in her poopshoot.
Further proof that conservatism is a mental illness.
I'll do my part to see that you and the denizens of your little corner of Peckerwood Paradise get the exposure you so fervently crave.
Obama has taught law, been in the illinois senate for six years, been a US senator for 2 or more. The most palin has to deal with is shooing the moose off the porch. I used to live in Alaska, I know how little the governor has to do there. Wasilla is a little strip mall on the side of the road. Only in your Racist Cracker ass mind does she have what it takes.
One other thing. Win or lose, Obama goes down in in history, while your little cracker ass gets forgotten. Probably burns your Racists ass doesn't it?
Wow - there still really are racist assholes living in America.
I heard about that, but I couldn't believe it was true ... until now.
You are one sad piece of shit.
After Nov. 4 Sarah Palin will be shinin' Obama's shoes don't cha know. And darn it, golly gee, let's give a shout out to all the racists who'll be cryin' in their joesixpack beer on Nov. 5.
The picture in itself was funny enough, but watching the libtards have a total fit over it is funnier still! I want to thank all you thin-skinned, overly sensitive, girlie-men PC libtards for being such a continuing source of amusement.
I don't get what y'all are fussin' about. I mean, I certainly wouldn't mind being Sarah's slave, if y'all know what I'm sayin'... *wink wink*
You are a racist pig.
You cons are really pathetic. You think that that barely literate, perpetually pregnant, ignorant air-head from Alaska is fit to be VP? Your tarring of Senator Obama is just stupid. You morons wingnuts think that an anti-science, fundamentalist, creationist whack job who is barely coherent is qualified and then try to turn it around on US and say our candidate is the unqualified one.
Hey Tina Fey thanks you-she doesn't even have to write her own lines anymore. That incoherent ignoramus (she fails even in English-never mind economics or foreign policy) you put up for vp does all of Fey's work for her.
"Health care reform shores up the economy with the bailout package before Putin rears his head over Alaska". Conservatives are stupid, stupid people and your ticket usually represents you people very well. Bush, now people are so fucking stupid and ignorant.
what a nasty racist moronic typical right wing picture. enjoy President Obama, fools.
Why is everyone saying Zen is racist? He likes that and is proud of it. It is his being.
Enjoy your racist jokes idiot.
Come January, you will be living in a country with a Democratic president, and a Democratic Senate and House. Your new supreme court judges will be more liberal.
The country is waking up, and you and your kind are on the way out. Your beloved 'W' has a 20% approval rating.
But don't worry, we won't take your guns, you may need it to end your miserable existence some day.
Do any one of the following:
*Load weapon of choice and blow your head off.
*Open window at least 5 stories high and throw yourself out of window.
*Gather together huge quantities of legal or illegal drugs and take them all at once (wash down with a fifth of lye).
*Fill gasoline can at nearby station, pour over yourself and then light a match.
We'd love nothing more than to dance on your grave but that won't be possible if you don't do your part (see above). Instead, we'll dance on your party's grave on November 4th and then have a huge celebration on January 20, 2009. YOU'RE GOING DOWN!!!! : )
wow, just wow. Do all you recent posters read and approve what you write before posting it???
I guess I have aroused the ire of the ignorant left. Here is a personal message from me to you. GET BENT!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the hate mail, I appreciate it.
Happy Monday morning!!! If you think this is bad. Ck the video that is on the main bad. Racist scum!!!!!!!
This is wrong on every level, but funny as hell!
Oh, if he is looking up her skirt who could blame him hasn't everyone seen the horse faced, cow assed bitch he's married to
It would be awesome if whoever created this and whoever thinks it's funny to die of cancer as soon as humanly possible.
fred, you are a typical leftist loony. you wish a horrible disease and death for anybody that disagrees with you. I truly pity you.
There was a time in America when free speech was protected. Obama's truth squads have fixed that for us, haven't they?
I read your profile. Director/actor, huh? More like a fluffer in the gay porn biz.
The racist of America aren't the white people, blacks are way more racist than whites ever were, look at the comments above. I guess you had rather Sarah be on her knees in front of Obama then you could have a good laugh like I did.
No matter how you jerks try to spin this, it is very racist- and wrong. You do know that Obama graduated form Harvard at the top of his class, right? Boy am I looking forward to Nov. 4th!!!!
The only reason I did a search for this awful picture is because I overheard a loud a-hole describing it to his friends who looked uncomfortable. It was as tasteless as I imagined.
anon 9:42 and 9:45, Did you look at the other pix I have posted?? I bet you loved them!!!
I do know that Obama graduated from Harvard. As for top of his class? He will not release his transcripts. How the hell would anybody know where in his class he ranked????
In Bend, Oregon the local head of the Republican Party office admitted that his staffers are wearing t-shirts with this image on it.
Also in Bend, Oregon (clearly a place with some issues), local ABC affiliate KOHD reported that Obama supporters are receiving this image in their mail (snail, not e-).
So yes, it's going viral, but not by Obama supporters, but by ignorant hicks.
anon 3:10, I hope they're giving me credit for it!!!!!!!!
I agree that if you are a conservative; color, doesnt even come into the picture. You liberals better get past the days of slavery---lets look at the man and not his color. He may be qualified for more than shining shoes, but what--how about a UN ambassator.
What's with the arguments about Obama's qualifications? Isn't it a bit late for that? In 2012, Obama will have been president for four years, and Sarah Palin will have been a civilian for three years after quitting halfway through her governorship. Obama will have pursued sweeping legislation, gotten our economy out of the ditch the last Republican drove it into, and led America through wars on various fronts. Sarah Palin will be fresh off of a book tour and eternally sparring with her juvenile grandson's father. There's absolutely no comparison.
sick joke,iam not amused.palin might think that this isn't doctored,she's a simple minded wassila girl,shame on you old man,you are sick old guy,who in the first place a jealous racist.
the guy who made this sick joke is a 73 years old envious sick palin family..
SICKO,no happy new year to you.
Uh right, you folks don't see anything racist about it. Let's see, a stereotypical shoeshine boy racist image inferring that Obama is only qualified to be a shoeshine boy to (of all people) Sarah Palin, is not racist? One of your idiots even tried to compare it to non-stereotypical jobs for African Americans like being a bar tender, claiming people were making fun of his profession. OMG, how stupid are you people? Either you're stupid, or you're liars, or both, but nobody can look at that photo and not know that its meant to deliver a racist stereotype. How disgusting, a decade into the 21st century, that this is as far as your minds have progressed.
I don't know who photoshopped this image but one person who circulated it -- with the caption "It appears he has found his niche" -- is a <a href=">registered Democrat</a>.
I don't know who photoshopped this image but one person who circulated it -- with the caption "It appears he has found his niche" -- is a registered Democrat.
a "joke" ignites all the liberal "racist" fires...but (and lets recount your praise) Obama is a Harvard graduate,a Constitution Law Professor, and a state senator who comes from a wealthy family~yet its okay for you to play-up the brutha's streak of black to entice the black vote as if they have finally "overcome"?? You jackasses made your Uncle Barack...maybe you should learn to sleep with the ridiculousness of your own racism!
@You jackasses made your Uncle Barack...
yup, right on.
this is much ado about nothing.
why is it I can't remember anyone crying racist, or whatever, when smearing doctored shots of palin were all over the place last year ? not to mention the disgusting stuff gw bush and cheney were transmogrified into...
What a pity! To my thinking, the problem is not the doctored picture but the fact that American liberty is grossly misused.
How on earth can a reasonable( sensible, normal, levelheaded, sound) person come up with such a picture of his/her president? And I ask if he/she and all those who approve of it have conscience. I did want to say also that its not a matter of race but it is an insult on ALL Americans becuase Americas (whites and blacks) gave the president their votes to become their president. There should be better things to hear and read about America than all what we are getting. I remember the days of Jimy carter and your for fathers who said "in God we trust". Could that be true now with all the mess in the Anglican communion, and the like. The American press and in fact the school system/curriculum has failed to be educative. An average American DOES NOT KNOW ANY THING out side his/her state. Hence, a presidential candidate for that matter did not know the neigbouring countries nor the continents. We are praying for you.
To those insisting that President Obama's highest qualification is shoe shining: you are stupid. Love him, hate him- whatever. Just stop talking. He has a J.D. from Harvard Law, and if you don't know what that is, then your opinion is more or less worthless.
I am the photographer who took the original capture. The photograph presented here is an unauthorized plagiarism. I resent anyone using my copyrighted photographs without my consent in the first place and even more so bringing an undeserved infamy to my name by altering them and using with ill intend. I am an Australian photographer and American politics are as far away from my mind as are our countries. Is this racism? I am not sure, but it is THEFT and DEFAMATION for sure.
Please see my post on the subject of this original picture
hi guys ... I was very pleased to read the information in this article ... was of great interest and would love to get a lot more information about Obama Gives a Mean Shoe Shine
yeah,that is poor done
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Hahaha!!! this is very funny.
Wow, what a scene, very hilarious.
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Fine. If things in the public sector really don't work out for him, Obama can always fall back on his old day job, teaching Constitutional Law at one of the country's most respected (and difficult) law schools.
This is incredibly racist. Google "shoeshine boy racist". It's a widely used symbol of white supremacy. It's not funny it's disgusting.
yup, right on.
This is the best "October Surprise" the Republican Party could hand Obama right now.
This pic is not so polite o.O you guys can do better I know
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This talk about politics is so useless. In the end nobody knows what is going on behind closed doors. They are promises made that are not taking place in the end. Politic is a dirty business.
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Are you sure this is Obama?
Great post thanks
This photo has been doctored from a copyright photograph taken by an Australian IN Australia! Shame on the person who did this. Keep your politics within your own country!
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obama did great job the look so shine.
Very significant post for us ,I think the presentation of this post is actually good one.
nice mr.president..
great job mr. president.
hope you did not do it for political propaganda...
hope you did not do it for political propaganda..
sir i have lot of shoe here maybe you want this to shine too.
great job sir!
wow...great..Obama really is a great person.
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Of course it's been doctored and I really don't care where it came from. It's not only funny, but it accurately describes exactly what Obama is qualified to do.
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Hahahhahahahahaahha funny picture, but if B. Obama will see it, he became angry =)
well, for such stunning looking girl even I will agree to wash it ;) LOL :D :D :D
hahaha i hope youre joking unless you really did think our whole country loved bush.
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Great, but it would be better if in future you can share more about this subject.
Wow - there still really are racist assholes living in America.
I heard about that, but I couldn't believe it was true ... until now.
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Why not photoshop a banjo in Sarah's hands? And how about and a hunk of plug tabacco in her cheek, brown tobacco juice spilling over her lips?
And while you're at it, post a photo of yourself in your Klan robes: I'm sure you wouldn't have to photoshop that.
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