Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Facing Reality

It looks like big Mac is going to win the nomination. While he obviously is not my first choice, it looks again like we must choose between the lesser of two evils. The harsh reality is that many "democrats" will not find it in themselves to vote for Obama or Clinton. If you can't figure out what I mean, please exit now. Sen. Mac gives them an easy out, after all, he is, at best, a moderate, and at worst a leftie. It gives their conscience an excuse to vote for him. Is this good for conservatives? Obviously not, but it does beat the alternative. Let's face facts, G.W.B. has, more than ever in history, galvanized people's positions. Unfortunately, he has brought the leftists together in a way that would make Gore forget about the pseudoscience of global warming. The fallout of this will be catastrophic to the upper middle class. (of which, yours truly belongs) People in my demographic have no voice. We aren't a minority or a majority. We are marginalized by the douches that be in power, we are taxed at a usury rate. The mafia has nothing on the Infernal Revenue Service!!!

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