Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Barack Obama's Downfall

These are hillarious. Enjoy!!!


Anonymous said...

This is soo funny! Gratz to the creativity of the author. What's sad is that it's true...

David Yonki said...

What is so sad is that the great party of Lincoln is comparing the President (even in parody) to a person who was responsible for the elimination of 6 million Jews. Whew! Something stinks and it isn't the Dems.

Zen said...

Dave, I am not sure if you know it yet but there are a few thousand of these clips. I can't remember what film it is from but there is a group that puts the subtitles in to make fun of everything from Xbox to Kanye West's recent jackassery. As for those that are comapring this Pres. to Hitler, they are just whack.