Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yesterday's Election

I am pleased with the results in general and offer a hearty congratulations to the victorious. The only disappointment I have is that Dick Hughes didn't win. I think he would've been the best of three and they were all very qualified to be judge. I am thrilled that Tom Burke won retention!!!

On the state level we took the Supreme Court spot and 3 of the Superior spots. Well done!!!

Nationally, a very clear message was sent in Virginia and New Joisey. I still can't believe a Republican won in NJ!!! Odds-wise that is the equivalent of me starting as the Phillies pitcher tonight. Regardless that Corzine was a douchenozzle, NJ is and always has been a totally blue state. Seems like maybe the Koolaid is wearing off, and only a year too late.

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